
you followed the same routine from your teen age to old & called it life. Congratulations you Aced it in people perception. -Alien MONKey

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Money & Position won’t make you a better Husband & Father, Love & Attention does. -ALIEN MONKey

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I fear a Zombie who sold the soul at age 25 to live on other people terms & keep breathing till they are buried. -Alien…

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It ain’t the distance, It’s EGO that Separates the People. –ALIEN  MONKey

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It’s perfectly okayto not have childrenThan to make them,Suppress them to circumstance &Depress them from bullshit family problems. -Alien MONkey

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Crossing Ocean for the person who isn’t Happy at your arrival, Is a Voyage in vain. –ALIEN  MONKey

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No animal present or extinct combined Can  match  the  brute  of  what Humans  Are Capable Of  Doing  To Humans is  this  thought to  be proud …

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Mind Cup.

Don’t pour in a cup with a hole. Just like that, Don’t say anything to a person Who hears & doesn’t contemplate anything in life.…

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There’s nothing like Bitter Mouth & Sweet Heart The words Coming Outta Mouth Tastes As It Cooks In Heart -ALIEN  MONKey

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We are all different chemicals Who look alike, The real quality exhibits when we are Mixed Together in DIFFERENT COMBINATION. -ALIEN  MONKey

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The women who PREVAIL  in the Men Dominate Society deserves all the RESPECT in the World. -ALIEN  MONKey

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It’s perfectly okay to not have children Than to make them, Suppress them to circumstance & Depress them from bullshit family problems.

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Just because you have a Kid doesn’t mean you’re Sexually Satisfied. Likewise,  just for the fact yo Alive doesn’t mean you’re living. -ALIEN  MONKey

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As a Kid, I did Fear The GHOST under my bed. After growing up & seeing What HUMANS are doing to HUMANS. I’d rather Trust…

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It Means Nothing To Attend Funeral, If There Ain’t Special Place For Them In Yo Heart While They Were Alive. -ALIEN  MONKey

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Even Though You Did The BEST Of What You Could do & Didn’t Manage It To Happen, May Be It Didn’t Meant To Be… -ALIEN …

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The One Who Knows to Distinguish The Slightest Thin Line Between Two Different Similar Things Is the One Who Got PERFECT PERCEPTION -ALIEN  MONKey

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Don’t ask a person for more, when they gave enough of what you already need & may want.                                         -ALIEN  MONKey

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I am not seeing CHILD As a Token Of Love no more. All I’m seeing they’ve been a PRODUCT of the years MARRIAGE. -ALIEN  MONKey

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“ Humans Are SUPERIOR Doesn’t mean we got the right to Rule Over Other Species & Destruct It’s to PROTECT & PRESERVE’’ -ALIEN MONKey

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Every child emerges in world with own Dreams & desires. Don’t welcome if you are going through your own hell. -ALIEN MONKey

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It’s strange how earth is made-up of 71% water & 29% of land for vegetation & still half of the population don’t get Enough of…

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