
At the end of the journey, everyone leaves a tale behind, either a splendid or inadequate one. -Alien MONKey

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I’d rather take a Minivan up for Spin in Hilly Curve, Then driving a Ferrari  in the same old circuit. –ALIEN  MONKey

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Nature doesn’t need you to help restore Just fucking leave it alone It can take care of itself. –ALIEN  MONKey

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You did academic for your Parents, Doing a job for Money to raise a family. What you Do to make yourself HAPPY? -ALIEN  MONKey

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Don’t  get  too  Busy Racing  &  Fleeting towards DESTINATION Sometimes  A JOURNEY IS THE REWARD  . -ALIEN  MONKey

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Before praying GOD to grant Heaven After DeathTake a look around & travel Paradise While Yo Alive -Alien MONKey

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Want my life to be like a bird Travel whole world for free, Nest on every tree, Taste every water, Peck on every fruit.  …

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