
first the Rat Racers & Organizers,then come the Wolveswho doesn’t give a shit about either -Alien MONKey

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the clash between two different cults,based on who amongst their idols ismore iconic than the other,is pathetic. -Alien MONKey

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Glorifying the Gods forrestoring the visionwhile many are dying blind. even you could perform a miracle,Donate them. -Alien MONKey

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your God might averse mefor loving all Gods partially instead offollowing the religion I’m born in.but my gods magnify the beatitude upon mefor being omnist…

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Everything got a philosophy,there’s a theory behind every miracle.Everything is a mystery just cozcuriosity could explore it one day. -Alien MONKey

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Third EYE

there Ain’t just 7 wonders of the world. look around through your Eye there are billions of wonders existing & million more happening right now.…

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GREATNESS ain’t about being Familiar & Famous Nor Earnings It’s a State of Mind & Making your SOUL Genuinely HAPPY. –ALIEN  MONKey

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I see no GOD CLAMING the particular TRIBE people, I see people CLAMING GODS in their TRIBE. –ALIEN  MONKey

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Reading HOLY BOOKS & CHANTING PRAYERS Makes you RELIGIOUS, doing what GODS DID when they were HUMAN makes you SPIRITUAL –ALIEN  MONKey

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I stopped praying God For Sweet Kisses & Smooth Road, I tell em knock the fuck outta ME. The Harder he jabs the STRONGER I…

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If you got a problem.If you know the Derivation, Formula& Steps to Solve themThen why ask God for a solution? –ALIEN  MONKey

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When GOD is within me, I need no place to Pray. The place where I stand, is my TEMPLE. –ALIEN  MONKey

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I’m made up of  STONE. Instead  of  just a  MOLECULE,  There’s  a CRYSTAL WITHIN & AURA SURROUNDING  me. –ALIEN  MONKey

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Self Control.

         Controlling THYSELF          Is the Hardest Thing to Do.         Once you Mastered The ART          You’ve Already Did The  IMPOSSIBLE. –ALIEN  MONKey

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I  am FIRE. I  can  be  HOPE   in  dark &  a  Wildfire  who  can  burn  down The hills if pissed. –ALIEN  MONKey

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Goal  Is  To  Satisfy  The  SOUL. Body  Tends  TO  Have  A Validity, But  SOUL   IS   IMMORTAL. -ALIEN  MONKey

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I Don’t Bow to A Person Just Coz Their Eternal Flesh Is Elder Than Mine. I Only Bow If I Recognise MAHADEV Inside Them. -ALIEN …

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I’ve been LIGHT Sometime Helping Other Lit Their Own Never extinguished Mine. -ALIEN  MONKey

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Oh, you say you Team up & Fight Against Other Coz You Share  SAME IDEA, BELIEF & RITUALS ?   Then What About The SAME ORGANS,…

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Instead of Manipulating & Dragging People into your RELIGION Manipulate people to Restore Faith in HUMANITY & Drag Them into your PEACE. -ALIEN  MONKey

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Do DREAM BIG. But   the  goal  ain’t  got  to  be  the  Money. but  the  Person  who  you  want  to  be. -ALIEN  MONKey

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The HAPPINESS comes from WITHIN, Desire Drives The Person. I’ve seen Rags Become Rich & Rich Sacrificed Everything To Seek Beyond. -ALIEN MONKey

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