love Ain’t about plucking
a flower that’s been raised by others
and exchanging,
it’s about planting & nurturing
the tree together.


give god an offering
you may become his favourite devotee,
give that same thing to a person in need
you’ll be their God.


eyes have a limit
to see only 3 dimensions,
but mind is limitless,
it can illusion infinite dimensions.


humans did it all.
they conquered land, sea, air & space.
They know the history of universe from 14 billion years technology to create & destruct.
they pretty much did impossible
but except conquering thyself.


for every bad thing, people & force
there’s an equal & opposite
good thing, people & force.
It's up to you what you see,
take & feel along the way. 


if a person is good & talk softly to a bad people,
doesn't mean he's scared of them.
He's just brave enough to choose friendship & love over
cruelty & hatred.


am not saying I’m invincible.
I'd fall straight down my face when I am knocked,
maybe take time with my leg wobbling & bit of blood
and some more to get in conscious
but I do stand up again.


when God said love thy neighbour.
He didn’t just mean people next door,
he meant you neighbouring
race, religion, state, country & planet.


being gentle & kind
never goes out of Trend.


one day you'll be happy seeing you crops
& thank god
coz it's the storm that you were afraid of,
that made you fertile.


happiness comes from within
& desire drives a person.
I've seen rags became rich
& rich sacrificed everything
to seek beyond. 


you’re an empty canvas
& you, yourself is an artist.
Go-ahead use your imagination. 


don't ask the person for more,
when they give you enough of
what you already need & may want.


if you’re weak
even the tiny wind could break you,
toughen up
so even mighty storm’s afraid of you. 


when your sail ropes too strong,
you neither worry about cyclone nor hurricane.


I know how it feels being teared every minute
& every second you’re breaking a bit by bit
stay strong it's the pulverised coal that burn more. 


if you make love your religion,
kindness your caste,
humanity your creed,
truth your sword and smile your shield.
You got no more battle to fight for.


be bold say truth like you’re cutting through
a butter with double edge sword.
not like cutting barbed wire through lame knife.


it's supposed to be that way,
critics will criticise.
dreams will dream.
& doers will Do.
nothing going to change.


what good is to live
if you haven't even tried
to be someone else’s world.


the one who knows to distinguish
the slightest thin line between
two different similar things
is the one who got perfect perception.


instead of manipulating & dragging people
into your religion.
manipulate people
to restore faith in humanity
& drag them into your peace.


every Gods secret
lies beyond what people say
you’ll be cursed & face his wrath for.


measure a man worth
by how broad his women smile
& how satisfied she lives.


it's funny how people blame.
if love marriage fails its couple mistake
if arrange marriage fails its fates mistake.


everything you seek
out there is
within you.


make sure you’re strong enough
to handle a backfire of your abuser
that you always been abusing.


he's the wise.
One who walks with a predator without attacking the weak
and one who hangs out with a prey without being attacked.


person can’t be good & bad at the same time.
Either they are good acting bad or bad acting good.


kindness is the language
that every species understands :)


love is my trademark
& ARK is my trail.


Love Ain’t blind,
it's the heart that chooses soulmate not eyes.


unlike others I didn’t fell & fail,
I jumped from the cliff
on the way down I learned how to fly :)


every individual’s life becomes
as per the basis of principle made for thyself.


I don't need a mediator between me & God
nor the place to worship.
my soul is my priest & nature is my temple.


as the lie's reveal & the truth unfolds.
I am talking less & observing more,
the universe is influencing me & I’m taking note.


for some it might be a bliss to watch me burn,
but remember I am a phoenix
I always do reborn from my own ashes.


like all the people
I tried searching god in crowded temples,
later I found him
in an empty cave meditating inside me.


put a sword straight through my skull
pierce my brain
cut my heart out.
But can never let my spirit go down a bit.


Big cities don't make you a better person,
Big mind & Big dream does.


even though you did the best
of what you could
and didn't manage it to happen
maybe it didn’t meant to be.


keep your fangs strong,
by the time you take to sharpen,
the wolf behind will bring down the prey.


be careful around your child,
they see the world through your eyes.


if your being loved the same way you love,
you already have everything that you'll ever want.
there’s nothing more to seek.


oh, you say you team up & fight against others
coz you share a same idea, beliefs & rituals.
Then what about the same organs,
human structure & earth we all share?


love should always improvise,
bring out the hidden talents & make you better person
if it's dragging you down, it Ain’t true love.


don't get too busy racing
& fleeting towards the destination,
sometimes the journey is reward.


if you've got voice to raise
& speech to Change the world.
you just lack in power of listening ears.


do dream Big,
but goal Ain’t got to be the money
but person who you want to be.


it's true that everybody got a same size tummy
& need same quantity to stuff it.
but the deal is
where you go & how much you pay to fill it.


don't give a damn
what people might gossip about your present,
eventually, you know you’ll rule the world.


before praying God
to give you heaven after death,
take a look around
& travel paradise while you’re alive.


you did academic for your parents,
doing job for money to raise your family.
what you do to make yourself happy?


there’s a part saint & part demon inside me
you'll hear back from whom you say hello to.


it means nothing to attend people's funeral
if there Ain’t special place for them
in your heart while they were alive.


Run your race at your own phase,
no need of competing.
everybody got different finish line.


humans are superior.
Doesn't mean we got the right
to rule over another species & destruct,
it's to protect & preserve.


let everyone break out of their shell on their own,
the egg cracked from within makes a chick,
egg forced become an omelette.


keep dreaming,
everything you’re not & want to be
in your reality. no one’s going to ask you
how & why.


money & power sure do has some value,
don't take em to head
it Ain’t a possession.


take out some time from your
busy schedule to help someone,
that might be the time for them to
restore faith & have a hope.


I've been a Light sometimes,
helping others lit their own
never distinguish  mine.


heaven & hell are just a metaphor
of what you go through your daily life,
they aren't an actual place but rather
just a State of mind.


when I was a kid,
I did fear the ghost under my bed,
after growing up &
seeing what humans are doing to humans.
I'd rather trust that ghost than humans.


Be precise.
a Child is a clean empty paper,
you can't scribble & crumble coz you wrote something wrong.


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