Wanna see the same sky
the same sun
& the same moon...
But just from different places.


Want my life to be like a bird....
Travel whole world for free,
nest on every tree.
Taste every water
peck on every fruit. 


Hard to live like rest,
when you're the best.


got a big pair of dream wings
& standing in the peak of fear
one lil hard push
I'm outta here...


you can never look down until you climb,
 you can never know depths until you dive in,
you never know what's life
until your pushed in a depth of ocean
& you swim like a champion.


I Ain’t seeing CHILD as a token of love no more,
all I'm seeing they been a product of the year’s marriage.


Real men don't rape, they seduce.


Every one shadow is dark.
Some hate it
& some likes to play with it


It Ain’t death,
the way you lived
makes all the difference.


World's a strange place.
where things are getting expensive
& people are getting cheaper.


It Ain’t about making it perfect,
it’s about how much love you put in doing it


Life's like hanging to a bar.
Sometimes you got pull yourself up
& sometimes let yourself down
you feel pain burn & feel hands ripping & die....
then comes the redemption.


that feeling when you know that your life's sinking in a pit
& you can't lift you self-up


Success, showing folks what you could impossibly achieve
what you already conquered in your head.


the time when your reality and dream fighting in your head, 
reality: what the fuck were you thinking you can't do it
dream: you’re just a cheap shot you can't make it till me


Coward's kill, 
Strong ones let live.


Strange place where 
war is loved
 love is hated.


Boys love 
a million girls 
in the same way,
real men love 
a single woman 
in a million ways.


there comes a time when doubt strikes,
I'm nobody or am I going to stay nobody
that’s when changes happen.


there's  difference between love & lust,
don't cover up a coat of love over lust. 
 Love is divine.


If you never loved, 
then you've never lived.


I may not be that
rich kid,
but I'm gonna be that
rich father.


If I’m suffering 
ill scream shout & cry
but by the end of life,
I’m going to make it worth
and leave 
an inspiration behind.


I stopped praying god for sweet kisses & smooth road,
I tell em knock the fuck out of me
the harder he punches the stronger I get backup.


I heard people saying if,
if God loved us why would he do this for me.
what would you accept?
to give you all the good things without you fucking fight for it?
He gives you a chance to be better version of you.


don't just camp by a mountain
& assumpt the view from a top
get your ass up
and see what it really looks like.


it Ain’t always got to  be going on adventures Quest,
slaying a big old ugly beast
& saving a life of millions
to fulfil your destiny.
Sometimes loving husband & caring father might do too.


God created world & people too,
he neither divided those continents & country
nor caste & creed. 


no matter how strong you think you are,
how brave your heart is.
how strong your soul is.
wen life knocks you down on your knee,
you wish someone was there to lift spirit up.


they say when the student is ready teacher appears,
if you don't find one
be your own master.


need not turn in to a big chunky green thing
nor an iron suit over,
nor the web's shooting outta hand
nor catchy names to Chang d world
little bit of human might do.


"myth" Ain’t a fiction, it's just the history of our history.


don't kill, give soul a liberation.


A real king never surrenders his crown to save his Queen,
he always picks up his sword and go to war.


books are like time machine,
they let you visualise and be in infinite sets of dimensions
at the same time.


don't show em pity, give em opportunity.


not every love marriage turns into disaster,
likewise, not every arrange marriage turns into fairy tale.


you suck out every bit of knowledge that books has to offer,
pass it on, the next one still gets whole lot of it :)


love Ain’t doing what you can to the other person,
 it's doing what you couldn't. 


I'd rather worship God admiring his creation,
than reciting same old lousy chants.


love is art of conquering the world without picking sword 
and shedding blood :)


not all Kings were not gifted with empire and million men Army. some  started with the scratch.


if the goddess you worship appears,
even she would say
go home & treat your mom/wife like​ a Queen first.


I'd rather save a million memories in my soul
then saving million dollars in my account.


no matter what you want to convey,
the people receive as per their individual perception.


A true reader never reveals the secret in a book,
 he just passes it, winks and tells you'll fucking love it :)


Almighty never took a rib out of man to create his woman,
he took  part of his soul and placed in to hers :)


caste is a glass of water
given to you from a specific pond called religion,
spiritual is wild river
you can dunk dive n drink it from anywhere :)


every child emerges in world with own dreams & desires.
Don't welcome if you are going through your own hell.


small hole can make a massive ship sink,
a tiny bomb can start a war,
a small failure can bring out the mighty disaster,
little ego can ruin a relationship & wreck people life. 


In the end it's always the wavelength of the vibes
 you emitted either good or bad.


every child got its unique potential
& fuel enough to burn till eternity
it's up to you.
either you going to lit the fire of glory or fire of destruction or fuse it without noticing.


reading a holy book chanting prayer makes you a religious,
doing what gods did when they were human
makes you spiritual.


I see no god claiming the particular tribe people,
I see people claiming gods in their tribes.


I wish aliens attack earth,
at least then everybody could team up forgetting the boundaries, race, religion, cast & creed.


it's strange how earth's made-up of
71% water & 29% of land for vegetation
& still half of population don't get enough of neither.


Ain’t that odd how there’s technology & weapons
to destruct whole world at the touch of a buttons,
& none to make world a better place.


no matter what you call
god’s creation or nature
it's still absolutely free of cost. :)


life teaches, even if you aren't ready to learn.


when soul identifies its mate,
it never going to settle with another
even the charming dream turns to a nightmare.


I'd rather be in a small pack of spiritual wolfs,
then being in a large flock of religious sheep.


would the god you worship be happy
if he sees you mocking over other religions?


She is calm as heaven
& deadly as hell.
and the universe calls her the earth.


for all those who dream & pray for heaven afterlife.
If you do bad deeds
no God can help you enter,
if you do good deeds
no God can stop you.


you can even Change a mind of nostalgic person,
but can never change a dime of egoistic person.


it's just a quality control,
god picks you, drops you, twist, pull, push & apply load on you
if you survive.
he ticks it √


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